Sunday, April 13, 2008

Trying to Eat on $3 per Day

So $3 per day is what the average recipient of food stamps receives.

I went to Safeway to try to figure out what you can buy for $3 a day or $21 a week and here is what I came up with -

Cheerios cereal ($3.00) plus a gallon of milk for the week ($3.99).
$7 spent, $14 to go.
Safeway Peanut butter ($2.00), Safeway Grape Jelly ($1.50), White Bread ($1.50)
$5 spent, $9 left.
Mac & Cheese Dinner (.60 cents per serving - 3 nights), Budget Gourmet Frozen Dinners ($1.00 per night - 4 nights)
About $6 spent, $3 left.
Bananas or oranges at 40 cents a piece so we could afford one each day.

You could of course buy a six pack of coke for $2.50 but you would need to give up the fruit.

It isn't easy to live on $3.

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