Sunday, May 11, 2008

From Homeless to Community Leader - Carmen Angelandretti

Carmen Angelandretti is a member of the board of directors of BOSS (Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency).  She was formerly homeless.  Carmen was diagnosed with a mental illness, unable to find work, and was homeless before she in her words, was "rescued by BOSS."  She tells the story about moving from one shelter to the next, and then obtaining a housing certificate that allowed her to get her own one bedroom apartment in Hayward.  She currently assists BOSS as a volunteer and board member and is on the Bus Transport Board. Carmen currently attends Chabot College and she still serves food once a week to the homeless through the Break for Life Program.

Hearing Carmen speak,  I am not able to vision someone who was mentally ill and without direction.  Instead, Carmen comes across as an incredibly intelligent, energetic woman who is willing to give herself to helping others and who has the character and personality associated with a community leader.  

I could not help thinking why Carmen's success was not a result of a specific government program but as a result of an organization started and staffed by community volunteers.  Our government has established priorities and those priorities appear to leave little to do with the homeless and poor.

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